Thursday, November 18, 2010

Creative Writing: Flash Fiction

My attempt to follow Hemingway's flash fiction structure. Here goes...

17 year old Sarah Adams. Last seen on Saturday night with 21 year old Timothy Jones.


  1. Not gonna lie, this is actually pretty sad. The content, I mean, in an emotional way. This definitely has a story behind it. It made me think of an all points bulletin or an amber alert, which, I'm assuming, was the intent.

  2. I agree with zach this is a great piece just rather sad content

  3. It may be short, but it's a "real" piece of work. Can't go anywhere nowadays without seeing those flyers posted. Heartbreaking stuff, especially at that age

  4. I think you definitely recreated what Hemingway originally did here. That short sentence really does tell a much larger story than just the few words that appear.

  5. I, too, enjoyed this. There's so much that the imagination can run with here. I think you definitely created a flash fiction piece here. Good Job!
