Thursday, November 4, 2010

Creative Writing Post #8

#6-list poem of a place


It's summer, and the corn is knee high by the fourth of July
while the Amish children are running barefoot through the fields.
It's fall, and the trees are on fire with dying leaves
while everyone dons their scarlet & grey apparel.
It's winter and three feet of snow is gently falling from heaven
while the heaviest coat still leaves you wishing for dairy bars & humid days at Lake Erie.
It's spring and the sleepy grass stretches its blades above the melting snow
while the inevitable road construction delays traffic again.


  1. I thought it was really cool how you used all four of the seaons. The images were really, really good. It's a good piece, but I would've liked to have read more
    Good Job

  2. I really like how this poem comes full circle in using the different seasons. I also love the imagery. Great poem!

  3. Very nice. Like everyone else, I really enjoyed how you used every season to describe the place. The details were simple, but it was enough to convey the image. I like it.
